lørdag, december 29, 2007


Do you have a bookcollection?

If so: Take a look at librarything.com: Its an online bookcatalog with some social software functions: When you add a new book, the system tells you who of the other users has this book, which I think is pretty interesting - especially where only 2 other people has the specific book.

But you can also put you collection on your blog - Take for example, a look at this link cloud:

It is dynamically created by a javascript, that I just copied from librarything and pasted into my blog. In other words; it changes dynamically after each change of my library catalog.

Im danish, and two thirds of my book collection is danish. Some of the tags that I use to describe the content of the books doesnt show the danish letters right. - And others do - This is a very mystic error, that I do not understand, but plan to solve.

Its pretty fast to ad books: The page communicates with a lot of different library and commercial book databases, so that you 98 percent of the time just have to enter the title. Many of the popular books also have coverpictures, and those who doesnt - you can add yourselves.

It has my warmest recommendations: http://www.librarything.com

tirsdag, april 17, 2007

ITunes file chaos

I cant recommend iTunes enough for downloading podcasts, but letting it organize your music collection could very well end in chaos. This isnt really a recommendation of a link, but I simply have to share this catastrophy:

I usually organize my music in a hierachic folder structure: The first branch is genre, then comes artist and album, and in the album folder comes all the MP3 files named with the number on the album and then the name of the recording.
I have a Tom Jones CD on my music server called Reload, where he plays with different guests. The organisation of the recordings which you see at the picture is the one that iTunes have created. One album torn into 15 subfolders.. - It has simply moved all my files from the original folders. - And it is the same with all my various artists albums, including Budda Bar - the recordings are torn into a pletora of subfolders with one recording pr folder. Its impossible to recreate the unique mix of recordings from the albums now..
I have a music server and 2 network players a "Noxon 2" and one from "Rokulab". The new organisation that iTunes have created in my folder structure makes it f.ex. impossible for me to play all numbers by Tom Jones.
If anything can make me angry, it is this. It takes time to restore 80 gigabytes of data....

fredag, februar 23, 2007

Flock never really caught me

A reasonable answer to a statement like the one in the subject, could be: Whenever it is me who have failed or the software... - It takes, on the other hand, two to a tango. Which means, that I might be a lazy son of a bitch, but on the other hand - it might be a special kind of persons, who can keep an interest in link communities alive.

Have you tried it? - There are a lot of services like it - embedded in software, plugins or on webpages. Have you tried it, or any other of the other link sharing communities? One of the most fameous ones is: http://del.icio.us/

I guess that the reason that I lost my interest for it, was that I had to go through a lot of crap, to really find anything worth while - even thou thousand of other users do think that this or that link is marvellous. The idea about sharing the best on the net is great, but I dont think that it works.

I would like you to share your thoughts on it!

Mr Rask